Warner Music Group Artist Manager Portal


In today’s data-driven world, understanding an Artist’s audience can be critical to their success; however, Artists and Managers did not have an aggregated view of data across multiple platforms, channels and other sources.


In order to clearly define the problem, we mounted a research project focused on Artists and Managers to explore what their specific needs were, what data and insights would be useful to them, and how they would leverage those data and insights. Using the findings of our research, we iterated on a number of design concepts, performed usability testing to evaluate each one, and chose the design illustrated below based on the results.


Initial response has been extremely positive, driving adoption of the mobile app among both Artists and Managers. The Year in Review feature highlighted below was especially popular.

AMP Artist Overview

At a glance view of artist performance by service and song


Download data

Viewable by multiple data points including:


Streaming data

Viewable by multiple data points including:


Global chart data


Annual artist highlights

One of the most popular features of AMP’s fully functional native mobile app is the annual Year in Review. The Year in Review delivers key streaming and download data that provides important audience insights for both Artists and Managers. The data is viewable by
